Asked Questions

No – our plan is to manage supplier presentation through individual presentation segments, as to maintain privacy.

Some top concepts may be put in front of consumers for concept testing and validation. Please assume that this may be the case for any submissions.

Deliver a strong concept! Helping us understand how your capabilities can drive one of our strategic priorities will be key to moving on to the next round.

After our briefing goes live on Wednesday, June 21st, suppliers will have until Wednesday, July 12th, to submit their concepts.

We will be reviewing all submissions and communicating out our finalists for InnoFair by Friday, August 4th.

Either option will work! We will look to have a live portion of Q&A.

The InnoFair 2023 Briefing can be accessed at the top of the submissions page once you have registered to participate

You are able to submit four (4) concepts per priority space except for Champion Idea which only allows for one (1) submission. In total, you could have 29 submissions.